Do Not Interact If....

  • You romanticize, or sexualize self harm.

  • You are a zoophile.

  • You are a pedophile.

  • You're a "babyfur" or a diaperfur.

  • You are a gore or snuff fetishist.

  • You're "playfully rude" with strangers. If I don't know you, I'm just going to take it as being rude. Because, well, I don't know you!

  • You "send your followers after" other people. That shit isn't tolerated! Keep private disagreements private. Be an adult. (:

  • You're a minor. There's a reason for all the 18+ warnings, they're not there to look pretty!

  • If you stalk people after being blocked. No means no, fuck off.

  • You enable creators that do any of the above.